Regional Water Authority Water Efficiency Program

Check the Soil and Save” tackles the problem of landscape overwatering by helping audiences solve a problem—the mystery of knowing how much water their landscape really needs to be healthy. The call to action: Check soil moisture with a moisture meter or screwdriver before turning on sprinklers.


Program highlights include:


A colorful and fun froggy moisture meter mascot—(fondly named “Croaker Soaker” by one of its many fans).


Snappy “How To” and “Ask the Expert” videos—used in social media advertising focused on helping customers solve landscape watering problems while reinforcing Check and Save messages.


Partnership with the Sacramento River Cats, the region’s popular minor-league baseball team—that included a froggy moisture meter scavenger hunt for kids at games, “Lucky Row” giveaways of moisture meters and the campaign’s artwork posted in restroom stalls for a “captive” audience.


Marketing Tool Kit for RWA members—to make it easy for water providers to use program materials.


Advertising via Facebook, the Google Display Network, Capital Public Radio and the Total Traffic and Weather Network—specifically targeted at target audiences. Weather advertising, in particular, was used during the hot summer days to remind audiences about checking soil moisture before turning on sprinklers.

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